SBTS – WE DID IT series

Through this series, we want to share knowledge we gained and lessons we learned throughout our passionate journey of 10 years. This includes experiences in various segments such as healthcare, banking, finance, avionics, public services and real-estate. We are proud to say that we have more than 100 case studies and success stories. We would like to share a few of the well-recognized and well-appreciated stories through the series. We appreciate any suggestions you may have to make the series more vibrant.

Click here to browse the entire “WE DID IT Series” or click on any of the links below to view specific blog posts –

  1. A challenging Data Migration Experience (This blog covers challenges we faced and the approach that we took in order to convert over 2.8 million loan accounts and 32,000 ledger records sitting across 150+ discrete systems to one integrated cloud platform)
  2. Our Experience with Protected Health Information from Offshore (This blog narrates details about employees onboarding, background checking, data privacy agreement, and a lot more as an offshore team)
  3. Bi-directional HL7 2.6 Interface with Labs (This blog narrates the story of the EDI interface of circa 2013 when Electronic Health Records were just blooming)

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